Geez, this all happened quickly

There’s no turning back now, and I’m really not sure what I’m doing here or where it’s all going, but I don’t think it really matters.  This has all come together rather quickly and totally unexpectedly, but I have to say, it’s rather exciting.

wine blogs blog nice wine online wine wankers
Conrad and Stu sharing wine

This all happened last Friday, and had never been mentioned before then. Stu and I were comparing wines we had scored in various wine auctions that had been on during the week. Stu is only new to buying from the auctions so was pretty excited by the calibre of some of the wines he’d picked up including a half dozen 1990 Coldstream Hills Pinot for 15 bucks a bottle, which will be a tasty wine if it has survived the tests of time. He’d also got himself a 1992 Main Ridge Estate Pinot. Stu likes his aged Pinot.

I rattled off the list of wines I’d won. It was Langton’s final ever Camperdown auction and I’d concentrated on getting some French and Italian gems including a couple of bottles of 2004 Chateau Meyney cru bourgeois superieur, St-Estephe (Bordeaux) for 40 bucks a bottle and a couple of bottles of 1996 Carpineto Farnito Cabernet, Tuscany for 30 bucks a bottle. For me, this was a special splurge and these wines will be drunk on the right occasion. On a side note, sadly Langtons have decided to centralise in Melbourne meaning that there’s no Sydney warehouse to pick the wine up from, an experience that is a loss to Sydneysiders.

While we were chatting Stu made the comment that we really are wine wankers. We’d been calling ourselves this for years due to our enthusiastic conversations about wine, a dig at ourselves many in our company would feel was well deserved. But this time, Stu said “hey, we should do a blog” and I said “we should call ourselves The Wine Wankers” and after Stu spent a few hours on Friday putting this blog together the rest is now history. The weird thing is, all this happened without a single drop of wine on us. We really have become The Wine Wankers.

This may go somewhere, it may not, but like I’ve said it doesn’t really matter. I have decided that writing here will give me an outlet to share my passion for wine with anyone interested in following along. I do ask myself, is it actually a passion, or do I just enjoy wine and the occasions that go with it. I suppose it may all become clear on this journey.

I’m not a wine writer, judge, critic or anything like that. To be honest, I don’t even profess to be an expert in wine at all because there is just so much to wine once you begin to get interested. I’m always learning, and that is what makes it so interesting. What I do know though is that I really enjoy a good wine and I’ve drunk enough of it to have some sort of an idea about what I do like and what I don’t like. And that is really what good wine is all about, enjoyment and the occasion. So that is what I will be writing about, my enjoyment of wine and the experiences that go with it.

Neither Stu nor I have the budget for big blockbuster wines. Our experiences with wine will nearly always be those with an average price, but occasionally we may be spoilt. Whatever the experience we will share it here.

Welcome to The Wine Wankers!

PS: Of course I know everything about wine, I’m a champion expert.  😉

Author: Conrad

To read Neal’s introduction click here!!!


  1. nice one guys i am sure you will have an interesting and colourful journey wading your way through all that wine has to offer if you need any help drinking just let me know 😉


  2. Top of the pile for me is either a good Alsace Gerwertz or a Gran Montepulciano D’Abruzzo. Day to day I drink a perfectly acceptable Hungarian Chardonay and the bottom end Montepulciano D’Abruzzo, both less than £4 at my local supermarket.


  3. I think anyone who’s passionate about wine (or anything) doesn’t need so much to be a judge/learned in it. Your passion brings a whole new perspective of “judgment”.


  4. Hi Wine Wankers (such a great name). Thanks for the Like on my blog. Just hopped over to check out yours. How did you know I’m a wine fan? Anyway, am following your blog now! Looking forward to learning more.


  5. Well, if you don’t make it in the blogging industry (although you will, have you seen what people publish nowadays!?), you could always make it in the “We can stage a pretty mean picture” industry (see above picture of you and Stu for reference).

    Welcome to the Wanky World of Blogging.

    P.S. Are you and Stu twins or something?

    P.P.S. I like to think that I know my wine too but I don’t blog about it. I just drink it.

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo
    Twitter: @zoojourneys


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