Another fun collection of wine chalkboards and signs

As a follow-on from A fun collection of wine chalkboards, here is an updated collection sourced from our recent tweets and Instagram posts.  We would love to credit the originators of these but sadly this has mostly been lost through time unless marked somewhere on the image.


I drink to make other people more interesting

home is where the wine isA lady never gest drunk she get awesome

awesome people laughs real life

sip happens it's ok to wine

wien and dine and 69

no wifi talk to each other

on my third glass of wine

wine lovers

bad decisions make good stories

iphone 6

in case of accident

roses are redchemistry and wine

the best stories come out after the second glass

coffee keep me going

save the earth

accept what life offers

not the whole bottle of wine

everything happens for a reisling

lets party

dont keep things bottled up

pants no wine yesberrs as cold as your exes

lily bollinger


  1. Hi Guys,

    I have been following your content for some time now. It’s really good stuff! A much needed voice in the sea of people taking it all a bit too seriously.

    I was wondering – would you be open to us republishing specific articles on the blog? We would publish it as a ‘guest post’ with proper backlinks to the original article.

    Let me know if you’e interested.


    Brett Ketelbey

    P: 0438 443 783 E: W:


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