Here’s our top 12 #wine experiences for the week!

It’s been a hectic couple of weeks for The Wine Wankers. Drew has up and left Australia for the warmer climate of Sweden so we’ll be seeing a few more European wines in our weekly top 12 from now on. Conrad had a weekend at the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival followed by a weekend in the Rutherglen wine region of north eastern Victoria, which has meant quite a bit of extra content in our Instagram feed.

So here’s our top 12 recent wine experiences and we’d love to hear about your own in the comments below –

Conrad Grah


  1. Wow, olives and wine pairing that’s fascinating. I always find olives clash with wine personally.Any tips from the tasting to avoid this?

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  2. Looks like you got photobombed by the dog too! What a great assortment you’ve got here. This evening I enjoyed a glass of Screaming Eagle Cabernet while watching a gorgeous florescent sunset from my back patio. A great glass of cabernet always adds a mellow, relaxed vibe.

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